changing social selling for the better


We’re on a mission to break the stigma associated with network marketing and to help people see what a genius business model it is. We realized that none of the direct-sales gurus, corporate trainers, or even our uplines were teaching what it really takes to hit 5-figure months. We’re here to give women REAL strategies so they can grow a business that feels good to them, take advantage of modern tools, and get their lives back. Are you ready to join us!?

are you ready 
to join us?

Where it all started

Where it all started

your new social besties

  • We always unintentionally match on live videos. 

  • Three of our favorite things are: reality tv, tacos, Target. 

  • Dawn lives in California and Hilarry in Florida.

  • We’re dog people and moms first — we have six kids and five dogs between the two of us. 

  • We buy a pair of matching earrings every time we see each other. 


Hi! We’re Dawn and Hilary, former teachers turned stay-at-home moms that stumbled into a social selling business right smack in between carpooling and changing diapers. Despite all of our preconceived notions (trust us, we had them too!), we ignited a passion for this industry and built a $20 million business in less than three years. Yup, we said $20 million. 

We quickly realized how powerful this industry is — especially for women! But practically speaking, we had no idea what we were doing. We didn’t have any sales experience and we definitely didn’t have any experience with social media or online marketing. Plus, we were struggling with the dreaded stigma sometimes attached to social selling. 

To top it off, our business strategy was pure chaos. We started each day without a plan. We didn’t really know what worked yet so we tried it all. We were making money but we worked all day and often all night. We felt absent from our families, which defeated the whole purpose behind starting our businesses! We were getting frustrated and starting to feel hopeless.


We started to think about how traditional marketers operate and then online marketers. We decided to treat our social selling business like a real business. Spoiler alert: It IS a real business! We found a better, more effective way to run a social selling business in a way that felt modern, fresh, and authentic yet still created really significant, impactful income. 

As we shared our knowledge with our team we started to realize we were still running into the same conflict: making people see and understand our industry for the powerful business model it is instead of being blinded by preconceived notions.

So we founded Modern Social, a company on a mission to not just simplify social selling, but to get rid of the stigma, too! We create tools and resources to not just simplify your business but that will take it to the next level. 

We’re modernizing social selling and we hope you’ll join the ride!