Meet The #1 Program For Female Social Sellers Ready To Hit The Top Ranks…without Giving Your Life Away. Elevate Your Business, Spend Less Time On Your Phone, And Make More Money.


You started your business because you wanted the freedom to make money on your own terms. But the stress you feel wondering where the heck you’re going to find your next downline and how you’re going to sell enough products to keep your rank is keeping you stuck. And the constant worry around booking your next party, not to mention the content creation hamster wheel?

No wonder it feels impossible to really get anywhere!

It’s the cookie-cutter, old-school strategies that focus on the constant scavenging for hostesses and bombarding people with copy/paste messages, instead of teaching you how to actually use simple, modern, digital marketing strategy to grow your business….like, while you sleep.  

Or better yet? While you’re off doing the stuff you really love to do, like roller-skating with your kids or strolling the aisles of Target with your Big Gulp in hand (just us?).

It's not your fault

It's not your fault

the way the big-name gurus teach network marketing is broken.

Without the right systems in place, growing an audience of customers who will buy whatever you’re selling is always going to feel way too overwhelming and hard.

We’re tired of seeing social sellers be told that they have to spend their lives tied to their phones, hosting Facebook parties, going for “no,” sending messages to strangers on Instagram, asking your friends and family to “take a look” at your opportunity, and dancing on Reels just to make money.  

Or worse? Being told by the gurus that they “just need to give it more time and be more committed and consistent.” 

the problem isn’t you, it’s them

As a social seller, you’re already wearing so many hats. You’re a wife, a mom, a friend, a content creator, a coach, a graphic designer, an inventory manager, a student keeping up with a changing industry, a product expert, a shipping manager, a salesperson, a customer service manager, a trainer, a recruiter….and the list goes on and on. 

You’re exhausted!

How can you possibly do it all?? You’re only one person and everyone knows how expensive it is to hire coaches and social media managers to help you with the hard stuff.  Everywhere you look, coaches and uplines are teaching you spammy, old-school tactics or filling your head with basically useless mindset fluff. But nobody is actually teaching you how to make money...and enjoy your life in the process! 

the good news?

Growing your team and selling more products isn’t as impossible as it feels right now. And you don’t have to give your life away.

There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way

If you’ve ever been told that you just need to be more consistent and reach out to more people, or maybe you feel like you’ll never hit the top ranks because you already have so many important things demanding your attention, there just aren’t enough hours in the day to do all that needs to be done... then let out that breath you’ve been holding in. 

Because there’s an easier  way.

If you’re truly ready to stop wasting your life on ineffective, old-school strategy only to stay stuck in the same place month after month and, instead, start seeing your business grow, you need to start using modern, online marketing strategy and tools.

what you need

The answer isn’t some “magical” copy/paste script or another fluffy, feel-good podcast.

An easy way to grow your business without wasting time

A tool that takes the guesswork out of social selling

Someone to help you with the heavy lifting

A community of women who have your back


  • You were the most in-demand leader in your company, with a line of people wanting to join your team.

  • You confidently knew exactly what to DO to grow your business, instead of just having the desire to.

  • Never felt the frustration of another $0 day in your business.

  • You were able to enjoy the freedom to do the things you love…because someone else was handling the hard stuff for you.

  • You felt fully supported by coaches and a community who has your back, believes in your vision, and never tells you to be someone you’re not.

  • You worked fewer hours so you could put your phone down and enjoy dinner time with your family.

  • You felt genuinely proud of your business instead of embarrassed to send messages and beg for hostesses.

  • You were motivated AND you had a tangible plan to grow your business.

Our signature S E C method

Our signature S-E-C method has helped thousands of social sellers stop spinning their wheels and start making more money…. and still show up as the mom, wife, leader, and friend they want to be.

Social media Attracts
email makes the money


Social media isn’t for sales.

The real purpose of social media is to attract new leads and then move them into your funnel. Bet no one explained that to you before, huh? We’ll finally teach you the fluff-free way to create social media content that turns new followers into loyal fans who will do anything for you…including lining up to join your email list, in just a few minutes a day.


An email list is a money-printing machine.

Psst. Your audience is 144% more likely to buy from your email than your social media post. Aaaand studies show for every $1 you spend on email, you get $5 back. Which really means, you can think of your email list as your very own money printing machine!
(And when you have a team of professionals creating your emails for you every month for pennies on the dollar…wellll, hope you’re ready to handle the flood of sales you’re about to experience!)


Scaling to 6 and 7 figures is easy with a roadmap… and a community of girlfriends who have your back.

And when you have access to fresh strategy that’s actually working in the marketplace right now, instead of coaches regurgitating inspirational Pinterest quotes? Watch the heck out. We’ll see you up on stage.

Social Selling can be simple & profitable!

Social Selling can be simple & profitable!


“Before finding Be Social, my family was frustrated with how much time I was putting into my business. This was my last-ditch effort to have it all…stay at home with my kids, be a good wife, and have my own career again. Entering from stage right was Be Social! I’ve been able to live a much more rounded life because I have my career but I can still focus more on my family since so many things are done for me. This was the first time I had many any substantial investment into my business and I was scared at first. It seemed like a huge risk, but the payoff has been ten-fold. Since I save so much time on the creation of graphics and copywriting, I can focus more on video content, nurturing customer relationships, and being with my family.”

Danielle Abeyta, Seint Artist

be social academy

New content added every month and you never pay again.

be social academy

All the tools (and strategy!) you need to blow up your sales and explode your downline….without giving your life away.

No subscription

Lifetime access

Always available

No subscription Lifetime access Always available


Ever feel like no one else understands what you're doing?

Join the exclusive, members-only virtual mastermind community so you can ask questions, get inspired, and feel fully supported in your business. We believe community is a huge piece of the puzzle when it comes to finding success in your business. That's why included in your membership, you have access to a virtual mastermind of the most brilliant, successful businesswomen, hell-bent on making it to the top, just like you. 

Your virtual mastermind is a place for you to get inspiration, get feedback, and lock arms with the besties you never knew you needed. Like your very own board of directors, the virtual mastermind community is like locking arms with a sisterhood on a rocket headed to the moon!


Lifetime Small Group

Worried about doing it on your own? You know how important it is to toss the old-school strategy the big gurus are teaching to the curb and modernize your business, but can you figure it out all on your own?

Small Group Coaching allows you to get the face-to-face support you need to grow and helps you understand exactly how to implement fresh strategy and take action, making it easier than ever to multiply your income faster.

Get answers to your questions, jump in a hot-seat and get our eyes on your content, get inspo from rapid-fire Q+A sessions, and steal ideas from live-member collaborations in monthly small-group coaching…for a lifetime.

That’s right. For a lifetime, you’ll be able to jump into small-group coaching sessions, every single month and interact with us and other members, face-to-face.

Newsletter Vault

You know you’re leaving money on the table by not sending your customers emails, but no clue how to create a customer newsletter that your audience actually looks forward to finding in their inbox?

The Newsletter Vault gives you a full library of professionally written and designed seasonal emails to send in addition to the monthly newsletter you already get, making it even easier to hit your sales and team-building goals.

So when your customers are eating up that monthly email and you’re seeing a serious bump in your sales every time you send it, you can grab another drool-worthy email from the vault to send and keep the momentum going (and do a little cheer every time you get a new sale email in your own inbox!)

The Breakfast Club Virtual Summit REPLAY

Struggling to build your downline? The Breakfast Club Virtual Summit features some of the top enrollers in our industry breaking the code to recruiting the masses.

Discover how easy it is to use social media to attract your dream downlines (you know the ones who want to build right alongside you!) and steal the secrets of the best recruiters in network marketing.

No more sitting in the crowd watching the top distributors walk across the stage wondering how the heck they do it. They aren’t smarter, cooler, or more popular than you. They just know the same secrets to recruiting rock stars that we’re sharing with you at the Breakfast Club virtual summit.

vip status

VIP Status gives you a standing, members-only 10% discount on all of our programs and offers, as well as VIP access at in-person events. Enjoy exclusive in-person events and bonus sessions for VIPs.

"my sales have increased each month by at least 50%"

“I have started utilizing email marketing with the help of Be Social and I now have super professional-looking emails and they’ve increased my sales each month by at least 50%. The coaching with Dawn and Hilarry has also been a game-changer. I get so many amazing ideas that are personalized to my business. Doing their coaching has made me stress less and do more things that will propel my business forward. I felt like a hamster on a wheel before Be Social. The monthly Masterclasses are always exactly what I need and help a ton!!! It's something new I can implement each month without feeling overwhelmed. Thank you ladies for creating this system and teaching me how to utilize email marketing. It's been a true game changer in my business.”

shannon huston, color street stylist

There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way


  • Create scroll-stopping content in minutes… that actually serves a purpose in your business

  • Send wow-worthy emails to your customers that drive sales and new downlines.

  • Let someone else do the heavy lifting for you so you can save time and get back to the parts of your business you really love… like building those important relationships.

  • Toss the old-school, spammy direct sales tactics out and learn what’s really working in the market right now….as in, not the ineffective junk corporate is teaching.

  • Sift through the all the bull online and know exactly what strategy applies to your social selling business.

  • Get support and coaching from the trenches and have face-to-face access from experts who have built 8-figure teams and access the same coaching we give our top 1%.

  • Have social media content done for you so you can stop wasting your time staring at a blank screen and get back to your life.

  • Meet a Community of women who have your back and collaborate with women from other parts of the industry so you get fresh ideas and get out of your echo chamber of everyone inside your own company.

  • Stop wasting time trying to figure it all out.

  • Leverage professional copywriters and graphic designers for a fraction of the price.

  • Streamline your work with a system and tools to grow your business without sacrificing your life.

No subscription.

Lifetime Access.

Always available.

No subscription. Lifetime Access. Always available.

New content added every month and you never pay again

Turning your side hustle into a career doesn’t have to come with a five-figure investment

  • VIP Status ($1,999)


  • Business Course Library ($5,999)

  • Photo Library ($1,200)

  • Caption Library ($1,200)

  • Monthly Newsletter ($197 per month)

  • Canva Template Library ($1,200)

  • Subscription to Momentum Magazine ($397 per month)

  • Monthly Live Masterclasses ($397 per month)

  • BONUS: Newsletter Vault ($2,999 VALUE)

  • Monthly Co-working Hours ($197 per month)

  • Monthly Content Roadmap ($197 per month)

  • Swipe Files and Digital Tools ($1,197)

  • Monthly Reels Playbook ($197 per month)

  • Members-Only Community (PRICELESS)

  • Breakfast Club Virtual Summit ($297)

  • Tech Training Vault ($497)

  • BONUS: Lifetime Small Group Coaching ($4,999 VALUE)

Total Value: OVER $23,000

choose your payment options

payment options

be social academy


1 payment
of $997

never pay again

monthly payments

12 payments
of $99

12 mth payment plan

before you know it, you’ll be seeing results like these


  • ​​We don’t have to tell you how high the turnover rate is in social selling. Some companies report an attrition rate as high as 56%. And it takes most reps an average of 5.3 reps to reach productivity! No doubt that’s directly tied to the confusion and mass amounts of information available. What if you just had a system to create revenue immediately? How much more powerful would the industry be? How much more of our teams would we retain?

    Once upon a time, we realized our downlines were often in a state of analysis paralysis, constantly consuming training and information but without any idea of how to implement it in their business. (Trust us, we’d been there too!)

    As we began working with thousands of women across the industry, we quickly realized there was a niche of women just like us. The ones who wanted something more for their business than being the neighborhood direct seller. Women who recognized how genius the business model is and wanted the modern digital tools and strategy to create a mega-profitable business from home.

    That’s exactly why the Be Social Academy was created- to give driven women who are serious about their business the tools they need to scale and to scale quickly.

  • We can’t think of a better way to start your business than by being taught the right things and having a system in place, versus having to undo bad habits. Trust us on this one. We know firsthand the frustration of trying to build a modern business with old-school strategy. We would have been able to move a lot faster in the beginning if we’d had these tools in place!

  • Same, girl, same. We’ve spent thousands on memberships, coaches, and courses in the past. There’s nothing more frustrating to us than a course or membership that doesn’t deliver. And by “doesn’t deliver,” we mean…trainings full of mindset fluff when all you really want to know is HOW to do it.

    We believe you’re already motivated enough. That’s how you landed here.

    You don’t need someone telling you to be more committed or face your fears or even someone talking to you about the “stories” you tell yourself around your business…you just need to know how the heck to get more customers and how to get people to want to join your team, right?!

    If someone just told you what the heck to DO, you’d do it!

    There’s nothing worse to us than empty, woo-woo, pump-you-up training. We believe in real-life strategy and done-for-you tools to take you to the top.

    The Be Social membership teaches you the actual actions we take to build our business and what we coach the top 1% to do along with the done-for-you tools to do it.

  • Look, we hear you.

    Maybe you’re wondering if you’ll make back the investment. Or you’re worried about not being able to stay on top of it with everything else you’ve got going on. While we don’t know the answer to THAT question, we can reframe the question like this: how much time will you lose obsessing over content creation that doesn’t really grow your business and consuming hours and hours of outdated strategy?

    How much is THAT time (and ultimately lost income) worth to you?

    Or you can be like the women in our program who have made 2-3x their investment in just their first 30 days.

    You can keep trying to do it on your own- OR, you could get the same done-for-you tools and modern strategy that the top 1% are using, delivered to you every single month. Shhhh.

  • To make this investment a little easier for you to work with, we’re happy to offer a payment plan!

    While typical payment plans usually equal a huge spike in the overall price, we’re keeping these payments as low as possible.

    It’s against what most people suggest to us (because processing fees and failed payments are no bueno), but we want to make sure this is available to those who are willing to put in the work and want to really dig-in and just need a little extra help with the cash flow.

    While the best value is purchasing your lifetime membership upfront, we’re happy to allow you to spread your payments over 12 months, and then never pay again.

  • We serve all companies in the social selling industry. Whether you’re selling makeup, skincare, essential oils, books, nail strips, organization products, wine, supplements, jewelry, activewear, haircare…the Be Social Academy will work for you.

  • Well, that would suck for a lot of reasons! Mostly because these are the tools that built a $30 million social selling business and we know they work. Our success is like the ultimate case study!

    Not to mention, the trade secrets we share in Be Social are the result of way too many missed Bachelor nights and an exorbitant amount of energy drinks. Plus, we’re pretty sure we can blame the need for Botox on all the late nights we spend working on it!

    This is not the strategy your upline taught you and it’s not the stale strategy every direct sales guru is teaching.

    Because you can’t return our modern, empire-building secrets (or like our lawyers like to say, our “intellectual property,”) the same way you’d return an air-fryer to Target, make sure you’re ready to get down to business and blow your social selling business up! We follow the industry standard and do not offer refunds on digital products or programs.

  • Monthly group coaching, rapid-fire Q+As, Hot Seats, your virtual mastermind community, live member collaborations, and our world-class customer support team mean you’ll never be left hanging.

be social was made for you if:

  • You’re tired of being stuck at the same rank.

  • You can’t deal with any more mindset fluff…you need tools.

  • You’re over spending hours tied to your phone.

  • You’re SO done with trying to figure out what to do next.

  • You want to sell your products without feeling spammy.

  • You’d die to have people reach out to you about joining your team instead of the other way around.

  • You’d give anything to enjoy your life again without the stress of constantly creating content.

"my following has doubled since joining be social."

“My following has doubled since joining Be Social. My confidence has skyrocketed and I get tons of positive feedback on my content and newsletters. Not to mention sales! I found that Be Social offered so much more than any other program out there, and I love the teaching style of Hilarry and Dawn. The program saves me so much time! It helps me plan my strategy and create a month of content so easily. If I had one piece of advice for someone on the fence, it would be, do it or you will regret it! You have already wasted enough time NOT being a member. The benefit is so much greater than the risk. I'm just so grateful to have found this membership and this community of women.”

rachel Beauchamp, ferrero

There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way There’s an Easier Way

Missing precious time with your family stings that much more when you feel like you’re doing "all the things" but still not really making any headway.  

So we’re just going to come out and say it, mmkay? 

“The path that got you here, isn’t what’s gonna get you there.”

Okay, okay, you’ve probably seen that quote on every motivational Pinterest graphic around.

But it’s the truth. The fact is - the company training and team calls that got you are here, are not the same resources that will get you to 6-figures. And staying stuck in that old-school strategy like a Friends rerun marathon isn’t the path we want
for you. 

Between us, we’ve created this program to help motivated sellers like YOU learn true digital marketing strategies to catapult your business to heights you’ll never see with the spammy network marketing tactics the big gurus are selling.

And we want to equip you with done-for-you tools…

to do the heavy lifting for you and take the weight off your shoulders so you can live a life with your loved ones that brings you joy.

The bottom line is that we know how impactful this industry can be on your life. We can still remember that feeling when we were riding the bus on a school field trip and we got the notification that we had out-earned our husbands for the first time. {Butterflies!}

We genuinely want you to have this feeling, too. 

Because we want to be able to support you closely and our members truly become some of our very best friends, we don’t know how long we will be able to accept new members.  

While we can promise that we’ll be creating content and tools for you in the Be Social Academy for the long haul, we can’t promise that we’ll accept new members forever.

If multiplying your sales and downline is on your vision board this year, consider this your (loving) kick in the pants!

choose your payment options

be social academy

payment options


one payment
of $997

never pay again

monthly payments

12 payments
of $99

12 mth payment plan


We know investing in your business, especially if you haven’t done it before, is a tough decision. But do us a favor. Think honestly about where you want to be in your business in the next 6-12 months. 

Now answer this: 

Do you really think if you keep doing things exactly as you’re doing them today, there will be much of a difference in your business? {Hint…The answer is no.}

The only way to get different results is to do things differently.

All we’re asking is that you trust the process, trust us…and let’s see just what you’re capable of.